A spark of sunshine at a time where I needed it and I knew I did. I didn’t know where it would come from. The people I normally went to were short on the energy I needed. Limited expression caused a lot of inner turmoil that was not being properly resolved. The topic naturally centers around healers needing healing. Truly perfect timing. I had many moments that made me frustrated in my personal life. At the time I thought moving more would help me get through it. I took on new commitments before I was ready. Subconsciously believing new accomplishments would help me overcome a feeling I really just needed to sit through and let wash over me. I had limited boundaries and it caused me to bottle, shoulder, and struggle in silence. I internalized things that no one asked me to. Burdens that I did not have to carry, but I chose to because doing for others allowed me to feel valuable. I was hurt. It is a hurt that I am still working through and it has scared me at times. Overall I am grateful for a space to admit it. I am grateful for the space Sparkle created in that moment of my life and the space she continues to create in the lives of others.